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Sunday 19 October 2014

New Perspective in Viewing Social Media to Social Business

Social networks have totally changed the way in which men and women communicate and share information. Today, one out of every 20 online visits is to a social networking website. Social networking is also a great way to build your business and social connections through the use of other peoples’ connections besides your own. Twitter is a great example of this. If you tweet something someone likes, they will retweet it to all their followers. Your message just went to many people than the ones you know. Your business profile page or online business profile should have up to date information about your business on it.

Social Media

The was originally supposed to be just a social network, but what wound up happening over the course of its history surprised even the man who would be the face of the company. There is no denying that Mark Zuckerberg’s creation has had a significant impact upon how work is done, the way we communicate and our society. For most people Facebook has simply been a social network, a place where we can post photo, share the trials and tribulation of our lives, and play games with one another, but there’s a deeper meaning behind it all. There is rapid progression of Facebook’s evolution from a simple social network to a platform that has become extensively integrated not only with the world, but our lives.    

The social networking sites especially facebook and twitter, if used properly can help you to develop a loyal client base for your business. If you are more of a video person, then YouTube can propel your business to the next level. LinkedIn is a great place to meet other professionals and connect with them.  


Writing a blog is a powerful way to promote your business expertise and create top level visibility on the web. It’s a proven business market strategy. If you have a ‘subscribe’ page then Individuals who subscribe are providing you with the ‘OK’ to contact them professionally via e-mail. Blog writing is definitely a significant approach to create brand awareness. Blogs are excellent ways for you to connect with your potential client or customer both on an informal and personal level.

Based on that new revolution in social media, social networking has come to be the new medium for large companies to connect with their customers and potential customers using sites like facebook, twitter and ‘what’s app’ to attract more clients and interact with their coworkers. Thus, social networking might have started off as being an entertaining way to interact with friends, however it has developed into a highly effective resource for education and business.

 When the businesses realized the important in using social media, they have actually built not only products, but their business around the notion of being social within the enterprise, and it’s helping increase usage and growth.

Based on that purpose, the businesses need special systems especially social media to support collaboration and team work. Employees may collaborate in informal groups that are not a formal part of the business firm’s organizational structure or they may be organized into formal teams. It means that, this collaboration focus on task or mission that want to accomplish by the group members. Collaboration and teamwork are more important today than ever for a variety of reasons such as :-

  • Changing nature of works.
  • Growth of professional work.
  • Changing organization of the firm.
  • Changing scope of the firm.
  • Emphasis on innovation.
  • Changing culture of work and business

Many firms today enhance collaboration by embracing social business by using social networking platforms such as facebook, twitter, what’s app and internal corporate social tools to engage their employees, customers and suppliers.

These tools enable workers to set up profiles, form groups and ‘follow’ each other’s status updates. The goal of social business is to deepen interactions with groups inside and outside the firm to expedite and enhance information sharing, innovation and decision making.

A key word in social business is ‘conversations’. Customers, suppliers, employees, managers and even oversight agencies continually have conversations about firms, often without the knowledge of the firm or its key actors (employees and managers).

All of this requires a great deal of information transparency. People need to share opinions and facts with others quite directly, without intervention from executives or others. Employees get to know directly what customers and other employees think; suppliers will learn very directly the opinions of supply chain partners; and ever managers presumably will learn more directly from their employees how well they are going. Nearly everyone involved in the creation of value will know much more about everyone else.  

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