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Sunday 19 October 2014

Security System of Automated Teller Machines ATM)

Technological advances in the 21st century have brought much improvement into our lives but it has also unleashed new types of criminals who are able to tap into the weaknesses of our increasingly cyber wired world.

Most of the banking system are going forward for the paperless and less manpower concept in providing banking services to their customers.

Thus, they are using more machines in their businesses ; less time consume, more efficient and much economic. With the ATM they could improve their customer's service and increased their profit.

Security system of the automated teller machines (ATM) have been provided by the vendor of the said system and being updated along the time passed by ; as to ensure that the said ATM are always relevant with the technological advances which are growing rapidly.

Increasingly, more people are turning to automated and online transactions as these offer more flexibility and convenience. However, lately these ATM Systems have been treated by the cyber criminals. We have all heard  of online personal and social media accounts being hacked.

The most common method was for hackers to obtain personal bank account details of ATM users to access their accounts. Such as gathering the accountees information via fixing the devices at the ATM slot. Whenever the accountee done their transaction at the said particular ATM all the information will be captured into that devices. Based on the said information ; they will create a clone card. They will do the withdrawal from other ATM via MEPs systems.

However, recently the hackers have come out with new level of cyber crime. ATM hackers have found a way to override the operating system of the ATM machine itself, thereby allowing the hacker to empty the machine of its available cash stored inside it. News of this new breed of cyber criminals started emerging at the beginning of this year spreading through Eastern Europe to France, US, India, China and most recently, Malaysia. By late September 2014, news of ATM hackings started emerging all over Malaysia with the criminals succeeding in withdrawing over RM3 million in just less than a week. 

They used a type of computer malware known as ‘ulssm,exe’  to hack into the ATM by inserting a compact disc that contained a ‘backdoor.padpin’ trojan horse that would allow the hackers to gain control of the ATM system after it reboots.

What is malware?
It is malicious software programs such as computer viruses, worms and Trojan horses.

  • Virus             : Is a rogue software program that attaches itself to other software programs or data files in order to be executed, usually without user knowledge or permission. 
  • Worms        : Independent software programs that propagate themselves to disrupt the operation of computer networks or destroy data and other programs.
  • Trojan horses : A software program that appear legitimate but contains a second hidden function that may cause damage.

In order to overcome this problem, the bank should scrutinize respective security systems and move to more sophisticated ones in line with current technology. Banks need to change the system or security code every other year to deter criminals or in other words the most important is that security must continuously be maintained.

Furthermore, banks are encouraging customers to use faster and easier systems such as ATMs and Internet banking but banks should ensure that the systems are in safe condition with less risks. There is no compromise when it comes with the bank security as it is not only affects the confidence of consumers but also to the nation's competitive edge. Banks institutions are important institutions to project a positive image of the country to attract tourists and foreign investors. 

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